Progressive Lens Officient

Degressive Office Glasses

Progressive Lens Officient
Ideal solutions for near and
intermediate visions

OFFICIENT office progressive lenses provide exceptional comfort for wearers that require their eyes to be in a different viewing distance other than 20 feet for long durations.

This precision design offers very wide range of options for gaining the best possible wearing outcome for the individual.

OFFICIENT is offered for prescribed Add Powers of +1.00 to +3.00 and through proven use testing, NOVAX has mastered the amount of change suggested with 7 different reductions of power for these unique viewing distances.


OFFICIENT is exceptionally popular for persons working on computers, technicians, assembly jobs and persons who love to read for long periods


Extremely wide field of view for task specific focal demands.

Easy Adaptation

Distance viewing is generally clear up to 12 feet

Progressive Lens Officient

Index / Material

Progressive Lens Officient index